Okay, this is my first post on my brand-new blog! Yeah for me! When I told Drew, my husby (that's my new word for husband, because only old people have husbands), that I was going to start this blog he just rolled his eyes at me. It's become the sign of, "you can do it if you want, but I still think you're crazy." It's okay though, I like being crazy. Anyway, I guess I should give a little information about us (and for those of you who know us, just ignore this part).
Drew and I have been married only a month, and yes, it is the best thing ever! We are both going to school at Boise State University and love it, even though sometimes we wish it was over with. Drew is the most amazing thing ever, and I don't even have to ask him to do the dishes. Yep, you heard me right, he's a man that does the dishes without making me nag! If everything goes according to plan (which it probably won't) Drew will graduate in two years and hopefully get a job somewhere (he wants to be a teacher). I will hopefully graduate in three and I also want to be a teacher.
We love being married and being together. I guess this blog is dedicated to what I call the "misadventures", which for me means the things that happen in life that you don't really plan on. So, here is our blog... We hope you enjoy.
P.S. Heather, I finally did it. Thanks for the push!